Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thought For Today - 11/26/08

Your Yoga practice will and can only grow stronger as you practice meditation. Several of the students that attend the 7pm Friday night class I teach thanked me for allowing them to stay in Savasana longer. I see this as the only time most students actually do meditation. I tell them to find one happy thought and focus on that for the remainder of the class. With all the changes going on in the world, one minute people are happy and the next they are filled with fear – Savasana will help calm your brain.

You can rest in the mist of storms – in the mist of change, in the mist of fear – this is the lesson we must learn. I have mentioned this in the last few previous blogs – take as much Yoga as you can during this week and holiday season.

Ask your Yoga instructor if the Savasana can be a little longer. Or you can do as I do when I take a Yoga class. I generally go into Savasana a few minutes before the rest of the classes. I don’t disrespect the teacher or students. I just know I need as much Savasana and meditation as possible. It is what keeps me in faith – high spirits – happy and knowing that “all is well” and “all is good.”

Much love,

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