Friday, June 5, 2009

Thought For Today - 6/5/09

The other day a good friend of mines commented on how happy I was and how happy I looked. She said she had not seen me like this is a while. My response to her was I had finally learned how to take care of myself than ever before. My heart had been telling me to do this for some time now.

I had been driving and depriving myself, not being gentle and loving to myself. They were no longer working. I fell in love with myself (maybe for the first time). I became gentle, loving, kind and attentive to myself.

I now take the time each day to tend to my needs, just as I would tend to someone I loved deeply and dearly. I also found that loving and caring for myself was not a waste of time. This is how my life began to improve. I also feel better.

As I now take care of myself, I notice something very profound - the better and more often I care for myself, the more I become align with the love of God.

Much love,

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