Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thought For Today - 6/9/09

I learned a few years ago that, if I made a quality decision before going into a Yoga class, nothing could distract me from being "present" to only what the instructor was saying. It amazed me how much greater the depth of my Yoga practice grew when I purposed became "present" to only what the instructor was saying.

My being "present" in Yoga class transferred to my spiritual walk with God for a harvest of clarity and insight into His direction for my life. With my attention mixed with my faith brought clearer and greater understanding.

This is the spiritual part of Yoga that I only talk about. Taking what you learn on your Yoga mat into other parts of your life, especially your spiritual life.

When I'm in a Yoga class, I don't allow anything to take or draw attention from being "present." I use the same principle in my spiritual walk with God. When God begins to move in an unusual way in my life, the enemy (the devil, darkness) attempts to draw attention away from what God is doing and he (the devil, darkness) tries its' best to bring discouragement and hopelessness.

I found that if I don't stay "present" in Yoga class, I begin to pay attention to individuals around me, how they look, how they are getting in/out of their Yoga poses, etc. With this now taking my attention, the distraction steals my being "present" from what the instructor is saying.

The same is true when it comes to my spiritual walk. If darkness can get me to pay attention to what its' doing, then the Word of God that is in me can be stolen and my faith becomes cripple.

So, I stay in the Word of God and I listen closely to it. God's Word is my guide. I make sure God is #1 in my life. I make sure I love God. I make sure I walk in love towards all people. Love never fails and neither does the good and great things God has planned for you and me!

Much love,

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