Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thought For Today - 10/13/09

Truth is the thing that will set you and me free. Truth defines who we are. Truth speak volume. We all at times have lived in somewhat a fantasy at one time of another. We were someone else. But, the truth cannot lie and we can not hide from it for too long.

To break this down, our bodies even know when we are not living and walking in truth. We have a challenging time swallowing when we say something that is not truth or living in truth. We only deceive ourselves when we try to hide.

Now, where did the un-truth come from - light or darkness? It came from darkness! Whether we learned if from our childhood, friends, relatives, etc., it doesn't matter. When we live in un-truth we develop a cycle of denial and disassociation which can lead into abandonment.

We all need healing in this area. Your healing, deliverance and transformation will only come until you come to the point that you seek truth. Seeking truth is seeking God where darkness can not live - only light!

Take time today - give yourself to Truth (God). Make a choice to live by Truth. What may have happen for years can be turned around in just a short period by being a seeker of Truth.

Much love,

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