Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thought For Today - 10/21/09

Your words are actually promises. Keeping good on your words often proves more challenging because many people when pressured strive always to be perfect. They find it easier to agree with un-truth.

When you are consistently keeping your word, your reputation is protected. You can even promote yourself as someone who can be trusted and unfailingly truthful. I have seen in my own personal life that if I say something by mistake which is not true and it can happen, but because I live such a life of truth, truth is always with me. Truth is God.

In short, our words can be one of the most precious things we have! The more we lead a life of truth, the more we see the fruits of it and this encourages us to be keep living a life of truth.

Integrity is the foundation of truth in my opinion. When we walk in integrity, you will put aside fear and apprehension. Our integrity will put people at ease, feel comfortable in seeking our friendship.

Living a life of telling the truth can be a challenging journey, but your charter will come forth. There is power in your word. When we keep our word, walk and live in integrity we prove that we are worthy of trust.

Follow truth and truth will follow you. Follow LOVE(God) and GOD (Love) will find follow you.

Much love,

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