Saturday, October 3, 2009

Thought For Today - 10/3/09

I graduated from college with a B.S. Degree in Computer Science and Math. During the time I was in undergraduate school working toward the B.S. Degree, I was also attending Bible school at night in which I graduated in Pastoral Ministries. I'm now a Yoga teacher.

I come in contact with many people who are committed to professions they never planned to pursue. Along with them, I found circumstances brought me to where I am today. Each of us, has been blessed with a purpose – a Master Plan which God established before we were born into this earth.

We were not born with an understanding of the magnitude of the Master Plan God had for us. Many I know are drifting through life, feeling directionless. They are striving to identify what they are called to do – wanting to live their potential and live a more authentic life.

To find what you are called or was born to do, you must consider your interests in the present and the passions that moved you in the past. You may have felt attracted to a certain discipline or profession throughout your young life only to have steered away from your aspirations upon reaching adulthood.

Consider what motivates you. Then narrow it down. If you want to work with students, ask yourself what work will allow you to do so. You may be able to refine your life’s work within the context of your current occupations. And, you may not. You may have to find another occupation.

If you want to make a change in society, do you have the skill set and talents to do this? Look at your strengths, passions, beliefs, and values. This will help you narrow refine your search for purpose.

In doing all of the above, I would first SEEK GOD, spend time in daily meditation with Him. Ask God to clarify your life’s work by providing signs. Then, you be sure to pay attention.

From personal experience, God will reveal to you as you seek Him – your calling in life. You will know you have come to that place of your calling when you wake eager to face each day and you feel good about not only what you do but also who you are.

Much love,

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