Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thought For Today - 10/22/09

We are spiritual beings. We have a soul - which is the mind, the will and the emotions. We live in a body. Conclusion - we should be prospering in all three areas: spiritually, mentally and physically.

To prosper spiritually, you must be born again. When you accept Jesus as your Savior and make Him the Lord of your life, your spirit is reborn and brought into fellowship with the Father. This puts you in a position to receive from Him ALL the things promised in His Word (the Bible).

To prosper in your soul, you must be able to control your mind, your will and your emotions. Prosperity of the mind comes when you use accumulated knowledge - controlling your mind instead of your mind controlling you.

You cannot control your mind completely without the Word of God being alive and operating inside you!

When your soul is prosperous, your will is in line with God's will. How can you get in line with God's will? You can't until you know what His Word says. His Word and His will are the same. If you are in line with the Word of God, you are in line with the will of God.

Much love,

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