Monday, October 26, 2009

Thought For Today - 10/26/09

For the past several weeks, many doors have been opened up for me to teach at new places. Yes, I'm taking the opportunity to walk through those doors. I have so much faith and trust that the doors being opened NOW are for a reason and I have been guided to them (through meditation and other things I have been doing).

Sometimes I have a tendency to over analyze or agonize over decisions of this type. Yet, I have found it is easier and faster to simply go through the doors and discover what’s there as that is the only way to know. Yes, there have been times when it didn't seem right at first, but opening that door actually lead to another door that took me where I need to go.

The time is NOW and right for me to enter a new place of ministering, and I have faith that walking through these doors are the right things to do. However, there were times I was afraid of leaving my old life for a life I knew nothing about.

I heard voices inside of my head that try to hold me back or people in my life saying discouraging things. Yet, none of those voices held me back, and they will fall silent as soon as I cross my threshold.

There will be many doors and opportunities that will open your life, moving you into new relationships, jobs, friendships, etc. Your lives up to this point are the result of all the doors you have walked through, and your continued growth depends on your willingness to keep moving into new places.

Every time you walk through an open door, you create a memory that encourages you to move into the new fearlessly. When you enter the new places, you almost always feel a thrill and a new feeling of confidence, knowing you are in the Master Plan of God for your life.

So, my advise to you - WALK THROUGH THE DOOR!

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