Friday, July 10, 2009

Thought For Today - 7/10/09

The Bible tells me not to judge or I will be judged. When we judge others, any feelings of love, relaxation, or peace that you might had are lost.

Whether you're judging others or yourself, it's impossible to aim negative judgments — in any direction — without experiencing the sharp edges of judgment within yourself.

In fact, the faults we judge most harshly in other people usually turn out to be our own negativities, projected outward.

We blame ourselves or others when situations make us feel uneasy. But if we learn to discern rather than judge, we begin to see our difficult feelings for what they really are.

If you are walking and living in the love of God - there is not room for judgment of others. Let God do that. Our responsibility is only to love God and our neighbor.

Much love,

1 comment:

Amy said...

I like how you stated that our job is not to judge - but to love each other and God. Very simple yet powerful statement. I think we too often over-complicate things!