Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve - 12/31/10

Taking a look back at 2010 as it was a great year! I was able to become free in many areas of my life and this time it was not temporarily.

My mind and heart became more open in 2010. I was able to release habitual patterns of thought and emotional blockages. I became more of being one with God in His nature of unconditional and divine love.

As I move into 2011 (and with you by my side), I know that God is with me including His everlasting love for me. His grace will also be there to remind me how precious I am to Him.

My love for you is also everlasting and I will make sure I'm reminded to remember and know how precious you are to me!

Much love,

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/30/10

As we approach the end of 2010, I'm embracing 2011 by giving myself over to God's creative inspiration for my life in 2011.

It does not matter how He wants to, how He will or how long it will take to create new things in my life for 2011. I have no fear nor criticism this wonderful thing that I'm so looking forward to experience.

I'm just thrilled that God and me will work together (more so than ever before in my life) on His plan for my life, turning it into something that not only I can enjoy but you too!:)

Much love,

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/29/10

There are times we will seek counsel regarding things going on in our lives. And, getting counsel or advice is good at times. However, there will be times that you will seek counsel directly from God (this is also a great source to get all of your advice).:)

This does not mean that you discount the counsel you receive from outside of God. It just simply means that you should question it before you decide whether or not you agree with it. All the information you receive can be useful in the process of helping you make up your own minds.

From person experience, I seek to find God's plan for any situation. Once I find His plan I no longer confer with others about it. I simply start moving in His direction and leading.

In doing this, I find that seeking God's plan for any situation in my life and moving forward in it is a joyful process of integration that grows me into a stronger, smarter, more engaged follower of God.:)

Much love,

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/28/10

Each year I have on purpose chosen to have peace, walking and growing in it. I made the choice to practice and grow in peace despite the increasingly about of conflict that has tried to arise, especially during the holidays!

It is all in the mind! I am learning how to see my thoughts and feelings can contribute to my peace being taken away. Again, it is all in the mind. I'm learning how to become still on the inside which is the source of peacefulness.

When we find we are able to locate the stillness on the inside, we then will find a lasting relationship with peace that will enable us to share this same peace with others.

This peace I'm talking about is in God, His Son and His Holy Spirit. Until you find this peace, you will not be able to help others who so desperate need peace within.

2011 is the year to find this inner peace. But, way wait?:)

Much love,

Monday, December 27, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/27/10

Yes, 2010 is fast coming to a close. As we are making our way to 2011, know that you did complete your final journey of 2010. It has been a blessed 2010, but the best is yet to come!

As you review 2010, it is OK to close and lock this door, say your last good-bye. As 2011 approaches, you and I will walk freely into it. We will fully inhabit all the new things God has prepared for us. He will keep us in His arms of protection!

Much love,

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/26/10

As 2011 approaches I'm have already started making a conscious celebration of the many, many, many changes that will take place for me. And, they are all good!:)

I am ushering in the new year in a way that will allow me to just go with the flow and not against it!

I am syncing myself up with the rhythm of God and His perfect plan for my life in 2011 and will let Him carry me forward, nurturing me as I prepare for my future. Your future is also included in mine.:)

Much love,

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas - 12/25/10

I'm thinking of you. I'm praying for you. I'm sending blessings your way that this is your best Christmas yet, not ever, but yet!

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-29, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

Love you!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/24/10

OK, just one more day before Christmas!

Now is a great time to get to know God our Father, not just knowing about Him. Begin to study about His Son - Jesus. In this God will begin to reveal Himself to you.

Through Jesus, God gives us glimpses of His heart, His nature and His love. As He reveals to us just how much He wants to do for us - His children, it will change your challenges to get peace. It will change your doubts into trust. It will change your fear into believing and standing on His Word. It will give you the ability to just rest in Him (God)!

Much love,

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thought For Today 12/23/10

I have made so many errors and poor decisions in my life. At one time I felt it would be so challenging to get back into the plan God had for my life.

I came to the conclusion that it was not my job to figure how to get back on track. My doing was to ask God for forgiveness (and whoever else was involved if any). Then, have faith in God that everything would work itself out - not faith in myself (I made the mess).

As a testimony, this has worked! Just as I have messed up, you reading this blog may have too. This season of Christmas is a great time for you to believe God can and will take you from where you are back into His perfect will for your life.

God's desire for us to be over-comers and walk in His master plan for our lives is far greater than our desire to "not do the right thing."

Let Him!

Much love,

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/22/10

It does not matter how many mistakes you have made, whether by intent or accident. God is available and able to take you right where you are now and put you back on the right path - His perfect master plan for your life!

All is needed is you finding and believing the "truth" (what His Word says). After that, you are then moving forward where His blessings are and they are waiting for you!

I speak from experience.:)

Much love,

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Amy Johnson & Joseph Stingley Bootcamp (1/15/11)

Amy Johnson & Joseph Stingley at Twist Power Yoga Bootcamp!

This fluid flow and power vinyasa bootcamp is sure to be an awesome experience. You will achieve a spiritual and physical growth leading to a happier and more productive life.

Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011
Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Cost: $89 before 12/31, $99 thereafter ($10 member discount)

Space is limited so contact Twist Power Yoga at 214-353-9939 to register today.

You DO NOT want to miss this one!

Go here to see our cool flyer:
Much love,

Monday, December 20, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/20/10

This week, let go in any area of your life that is not trusting God to see you through. Develop a deep trust in Him, especially during this time of the year. He (God) is actually the overall meaning and purpose of existence.

Don't become overwhelmed by thoughts that try to attach themselves to you that takes away trusting in God. Let Him become a part of your total life. God is concern and desires to fellowship with you in all areas of your life.

Let God help you make your way in this walk of life. You will experience such peace. I have!

Much love,

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Andrew Small Donation Class Today - 12/19/10

Today, Sunday, December 19, 4-5:15pm at Twist Power Yoga in Dallas (corner of Marsh/Forest).

Please join me today at the 4PM donation class for the "Small Family". We hope to help offset Andrew Small's cancer treatment trail costs.

Andrew is 11 and is battling with cancer. Twist Yoga Power has donated items that we are selling and 100% of all monies collect will go directly to the Small family.

Amy Johnson will be assisting as I will teach this special and wonderful class!

Much love,

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/18/10

Again, I guess I'm on a roll regarding the holidays.:)

Try your best to see the good in people especially during this season. Yes, we should try to see the good in people during all four seasons!

I want to suggest to you look at people as God looks at them. If you look at them through His eyes, you will see the integral good at the heart (spirit).

This way you can accept them as they are, which can include your supervisor, co-worker, neighbor, relative, etc. And, even if you don't get a gift from them during this time of year!:)

Much love,

Friday, December 17, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/17/10

Well, I'm still on the subject of showing and sharing love especially during this season whereas so many are without (spiritually, physically, financially).

How about you (me too) taking the first step in reaching out to individuals and families who are just not sure what the holidays will bring?

Some years ago I worked for a Suicide/Crisis center. During the holidays we were especially busy. Many people just don't have or know what to do during this season.

So, I'm saying you can start small with just a few people, give a gift card. The gift care can be $5 or $50. You be the judge. I believe any amount would be suffice.

I'm believing that just the thought of the person on the receiving side would just appreciate knowing someone cares! Yep, actions speak louder than words!:)

Much love,

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/16/10

Again, as the holiday season is strongly upon us I will suggest you take time to replenish yourself during the next week or two.

Yes, there are many activities you are to attend during this time. However, I know from person experience you will become depleted, exhausted, disconnected and weak (both spiritually and physically) if you don't take time for yourself.

Take time for yourself! Yep, some might even look at you as being selfish especially during this time of season. However, it is really the opposite.

As you maintain your spiritual, mental and physical needs during this time you will be in better position to enjoy the season.

It really comes down to it being so crucial to your well being to take time out for YOU in that it will ensure that you have the ability and energy to give during this season.

Yep, something to think about and consider!

Much love,

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/15/10

Yes, the season of giving and receiving is upon most of us. I give gifts throughout the year. The gifts I give are a combination of spiritual, material and financial.

When I give, I give with such joy that I don't put or have any conditions regarding giving. I just give. And, in return as I give unconditionally, God gives me more that I could ever think or imagine!

Don't have any thoughts of you deserving to receive gifts just because you gave. Give freely and watch gifts flow into your life, more than you expected.

Have no expectations when you give to others regarding exchanges or what you will get out of giving. Check out your motives and see what spirit you are giving in. Let go and let God!

Much love,

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/14/10

I often hear people say that they are at the point of feeling overwhelmed with life, with emphasis regarding their jobs. They ask me if I ever get weary of teaching? My answer is NO! I never get weary or don't want to teach!

I told them I have a joy that was birth within me to teach. It is a joy that comes forth when I need encouragement regarding classes I teach and students I come in contact with.

This joy actually has helped me live an abundant life which God has provided for all of us. I learned sometime ago to put me - Joseph in the hands of God for refreshment of my commitment to serve others, to teach others, to be there as much as I'm allowed for others.

It is God that will take away you being overwhelmed, weary, etc., regarding all areas of your life! He will renew your spirit, soul and body as He has done mine and continues to do!

Just ask Him!

Much love,

Monday, December 13, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/13/10

OK, we all have the choice to see the glass being half full or half empty. I choose to see the glass being full all the time!

You got to believe in yourself! You got to trust yourself! You got to trust God! Only then will you see transformation, change and your purpose come into being.

Don't live in the past. Much bondage and failures are there. It doesn't matter what you done, what choices you made, even what you lost. You now need to trust yourself in the "present."

Let it go today! Yes, be thankful for where you have been. But, thanks be to God, you are trusting Him for where you are going! And, right now is where you are suppose to be!

Much love,

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/12/10

God loves me so much that if I travel down the wrong path, I have so much faith in Him that He will guide me to the right road again and again and again.

What I found is I have to love myself enough, at least to try or start the journey. If I do take a wrong turn, God is right there to put me back on the right path. I'm not really concern about being perfect as I travel this path. That is God's department.:)

I'm going to have fun, enjoy the journey and learn as much as I can! I have already started and some of you know this. I'm doing what I can with what I have. I'm learning life's great lessons and things are just getting better and better and better!:)

Much love,

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/11/10

I see God calling me to walk more by faith. I see the visions that He wants me to more toward. However, I know I don't get there with just one step. But, one step at a time will get me there!

I'm having to be strong in faith even when there seems like gaps in between my steps. I'm having to not even give a thought to fear or doubt. I'm having to press toward the visions and not allowing my mind to wonder if God is still there.

The steps are steps of joy because I know that God is leading me down the path that He has planned for me before the foundation of the world. I also have joy in the steps knowing that in front of me are many, many, many people waiting for me to help them with their destination.

You are one of them!:)

Much love,

Friday, December 10, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/10/10

OK, I have said this many, many times before and saying it again. As followers of God and doers of the Word, we must walk in love and forgiveness!

If we walk in love and forgiveness, then God is able to forgive us when we miss it. However, the opposite holds true too. If we refuse to walk in love and forgiveness, then it will be very challenging and actually not possible for God to forgive us.

I choose today to continue my love walk and forgiveness not only because I need His blessings of rest (spiritual), peace and healing (both inside / out).

I pray you too will take this precious gift God has to walk in love and forgiveness. Don't just wait for Christmas to show people this. Each day we will find opportunities to walk in His love and His forgiveness even when we can't as individuals!

Do this and you will experience a closer walk and relationship with God and experience blessings you could never dream off!

Much love,

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/9/10

Keeping an active relationship with God is essential for me. Because of our relationship I'm able to hear His voice, receive and trust His guidance regarding my life.

There are also times during the week/weekend that I set appointment with God in which I journal what is being said to me. Always, the information written is on-time, accurate and much needed!

Now, this didn't happen overnight. It took some time. But, the time it took was due to my being too busy doing nothing. I know look forward to spending time (one-on-one) with God and hearing what He has to say to me.

You too can have this same experience and active relationship! Let me know if you need help.:)

Much love,

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/8/10

As you continue your path with God it will grow brighter and brighter and many lives will be influenced for God because of your obedience. The anointing of God comes from obedience. The anointing to change lives. The ability to turn impossible things into possible.

Begin to stay or get on the path of obedience where God reveals His glory to you. Begin to look (now) for and at your life in 2011 as extraordinary things will happen. I am!

Much love,

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/7/10

There is one great thing that the world is needing more than anything else, and I'm convinced of it every day I live. The world has one major need, and that is the LOVE of God!

When I'm teaching Yoga to students I don't need to preach to them. It's not the words I say that are going to bless them. They need something greater. It is the thing in my soul.

They have got to receive it, then their soul will open and there will be a divine response.

I give them love, it is the love of God.

Much love,

Monday, December 6, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/6/10

Question? What is it you are seeking? What is it your heart is asking for when you are seeking God? What is your soul crying for?

Many people are separated from God. It may not be mountains of bad things between them and God at all. It may be that their existence is closed and unresponsive. When the real love touch of God is breathed in a soul, this is when a transformation takes place!

All I hear God saying is "give me your heart!" This is when you will experience such an affectionate relationship, a real love union with God!

Yep, I talk from experience.:)

Much love,

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/5/10

The other day I was talking to someone and they mentioned they hate their father. I knew this person didn't hate their father. Instead of allowing the love of God to dominate them, they were allowing their mind or human reasoning dominate them. When you walk according to thoughts only and not truth (the love of God), you will find yourself in situations that are not for your good!

I mentioned to them that if they hate their father, the love of God is not abiding in them. I also stated that if the love of God was in them, then the very nature of God would be in them and God's nature is love. Therefore, the love of God would be in them!

Due to lack of time and details I advised this person to start acting like they love their father. I advised them to stop living in the mind and live in the spirit (their heart). Yep, we are spiritual beings, believe it or not. The love of God is shed within our heart or spirit.

In closing of this blog, this person came to the conclusion that they didn't hate their father. Their father was a kind and loving father and he loved God too! This person realized the love of God was in them all the time. They just was not allowing it to dominate them!

Again, something to think about and consider?

Much love,

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/4/10

Don't get so caught in trying to receive specific direction from God regarding your life that you forget to walk in love at all times. Many times we forget that walking in love and forgiveness is key in our daily lives.

In simple words we have to forgive others when they miss it, but we also have to forgive ourselves when we miss it in some area of our lives.

If we don't learn this lesson, we can become crippled and handicapped, maybe for the rest of our lives in living for God.

Something to think about.

Much love,

Friday, December 3, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/3/10

God wants us (including me) to submit ourselves to His will for our lives. His will is revealed through His Word (the Bible), meditation, praying.

I'm talking about fulfilling your place of service in the world. If you (and I) will obey God in every area of our lives, it will not cost us; it will pay off - big time!

Much love,

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/2/10

We will only experience the fullness of God's Master Plan for our lives and the full measure of His blessings on our lives if we are willing to obey Him in every area of our lives!

We can not fool or play God. He wants us to fully give ourselves to Him - to His will. He knows if we are not willing to go the distance in one area. And, the unwillingness will carry over into other areas of our lives and will stop us from fulfilling His plan laid out for us.

Something to think about?

Much love,

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thought For Today - 12/1/10

OK, this being the the first day of December 2010 and the holiday season is in full swing. I want to remind you and strongly suggest you keep your Yoga practice up and actually see if you can become more discipline with your practice during this season.

I personally will continue my personal practice, but also include additional group Yoga classes in my schedule. If you need help with a personal practice during this time due to your busy schedule, please contact me for assistance!

And, remember to breathe. This is the best tool we have to "be present" and calm. You can especially practice this tool as you move in/out of traffic, shopping malls, grocery stores, etc.

Much love,

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thought For Today - 11/30/10

Anyone can temporarily surrender to God. At this time they can pray and really mean it. However, reality is when real challenges come and they are required to "walk in love" and do things they really don't want to do.

If the surrender was only superficial, then they will retreat back from their surrender or commitment they made and go on during what they want to do in life.

What I found out about God? He is just looking for us to be "willing" to do whatever He tells us to do. Just a truly and full surrender.

Yep, I speak from experience.:)

Much love,

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thought For Today - 11/29/10

Here is what the word "hope" has done for me. It has kept me intensely focused on the promises of God. It has kept me seeing those promises on the inside, even when I can't see it on the outside. It has kept me operating by the spirit of faith.

When you have hope, darkness can't beat you down. Darkness can't tear you down. Darkness can't stop your faith from working. Everyone around you can just stop in their tracks, but you will keep right on going.

I'm at the point in my life where I expect God to move with such vigor that all the distractions in the world can't turn my head. All the failures of the past drift into nothingness. I want to be so absorbed with the expectations of what God is about to do I will not remember the failures!

And, when this happens, you will not see me sitting around wondering what went wrong. You will see me laying hold of God's promises and watching my dreams come true. You will see me live the kind of life that those who give up hope will never know!

Much love,

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thought For Today - 11/28/10

It’s not so surprising that when we are under pressure from our being moved by what we see, or feel, or think, we tend to open our mouths and say things like, “I’m fat!” “I’m tired of being tired!” “I’m broke!” “I’m ugly!” “I’m never going anywhere in life!

When the pressure is on, this is when we really find out what is on the inside of us and it’s usually not the Word of God nor the Word of faith.

What we see, what we think and what we say, does not change the truth of God’s Word. Read it and see the promises in it!

I have God's wisdom. I have the truth in every matter. With that truth I can set my course and change the situations. But those situations will not change until my words change.

So, I have to fill my mouth with the Word of God and then my course is set for a life full of success!

Much love,

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thought For Today - 11/27/10

Are you looking for a change in your life? Are you seeking peace? From personal experience, you can make a change in your life, you can find peace like you have never experience before.

I found mine only through a personal relationship with a loving God by accepting His Son Jesus as Lord over my life. God is ready and willing to help you right now, right where you are.

Salvation is a gift. This gift cannot be earned through good deeds or by simply being “good.” It is a matter of faith (acting out on what you believe according to God's Word).

You can actually say something as simply as this "Jesus, I am calling on You. I pray and ask you to come into my heart and be Lord over my life. I do that now and I confess that Jesus is Lord. Amen."

The choice is yours!:)

Much love,

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thought For Today - 11/26/10

Today if you have drifted away from this, let me suggest you regain the tender heart you once had.

Remove the hardness within your heart (spirit) by repentance, by a commitment to live and walk in the love of God, by a renewed devotion to God!

Don't allow the condition of your heart to hold back the love of God. Become sensitive again!

That's it for today!:)

Much love,

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Today is Thanksgiving Day!

I give thanks to the Almighty God for His many blessings that He has bestowed upon us during just this year!

I must state that this year - 2010 has been one of my best years yet, but not the best to come! I know and acknowledge that all of our and my blessings come from above. God is our direct and divine source of blessings and prosperity!

Today let us spend not only time thanking God for His blessings, give thanks to others for being a blessings to us!

Today is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Much love,

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thought For Today - 11/24/10

Just short to the point.

Refusing to walk in fear is first of all a matter of your will. It is also a matter of choosing to believe that in every situation God is on your side and by His power and that He will see you through.

Come to the point where you will not put up with fear in your life! You can be free, and you will be!

You can be one of the people who has made up their minds to believe God. People who absolutely refuse to bow down to fear.

Remember this, darkness will leave because fear has no chance when faith comes on the scene. Faith is the original. Fear is the counterfeit. And the real overcomes the phony every time.

Much love,

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thought For Today - 11/23/10

The other day I was talking to a friend. He mentioned about a situation that he was involved in where another party was pretty harsh, cruel and just down right ugly to him.

It had him pretty upset for a few days or so. However, this past weekend, a break through came for him. He receive the ability to forgive that person like it never happen!

From person experience, forgiveness requires an act of the will, your will and my will. We can not depend on our feelings (how we feel about a situation). Most of the time, we will have to forgive, not because we feel like it, but because it's simply what the Word of God states we must if we want to be and continue in fellowship with Him.

Every time we forgive, it must be an act of faith. It is impossible to please God without faith.

I had to make it a goal to develop and maintain an attitude of forgiveness. I had to see that I kept my heart before God regarding forgiveness. I am quick to repent when I'm faced with opportunities for strife. I will not allow darkness any place in my life.

Maybe, something to think about?

Much love,

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thought For Today - 11/22/10

I find as I serve others who are in need I discover personal healing for myself. As I get closer to God, my desire becomes greater and greater to actually reach out to others.

I also find that serving others when challenges occur in my life makes my situations easier to deal with. It gets my focus off of me and to put my focus and help to others to receive their healing.

Much love,

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thoguht For Today - 11/21/10

What I have found to be my greatest success is to surround myself with only people who are like minded, who will lift me up and I them, but most important of all that whose existence will bring forth the best out of me!

Much love,

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thought For Today - 11/20/10

One thing I know for sure is that God never stops reaching out to help us - especially when things are going not so well.

However, if you are not spiritual minded aka walking in the love of God, you will not be able to see the good that is going on, but only the bad.

I had to turn off and tune out the world's news. I had to get back to the basis - walking in faith, believing God for the impossible. I had to come to the point of spending quality time with God. I had to surround myself with His love which is His power.

From those times spent with Him, I have seen my life change from the inside out. I became transformed, healed (inside and out), blessed and prosper more than ever before.

This has helped and allowed me to be a blessing to others. It has allowed me to be a help to them, even loving them right where they are! It also allowed me to NOW see the good things in life and not the bad.

I now see God opportunities, God ideas and I grab hold of them for dear life! I'm not where I use to be - I'm now walking in love and faith of God. It is such a great and wonderful feeling too!

Much love,

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thought For Today - 11/19/10

As my Yoga practice has grown (spirit, mind, body) I have come to the point where I see more, feel more and have experience more love than I could ever imagined. And, the plus is that I have not stopped growing.:)

My heart is so open and my spirit is alive. I'm open to all that God has for me. Because I am more open, I find myself being more sensitive ever than before to others, places and just things in common.

I also find myself being more sensitive to unresolved issues that I find in myself and in those in my community. Yep, I'm open, more open than ever before. And, yes, Yoga has been such a major part of this!

The same can happen to you too!

Much love,

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thought For Today - 11/18/19

I often tell people that God talks to them more than they know or realize. I believe many of us have more faith that we are actually using too!

If your faith is grounded in God, you will see that changes are opportunities for growth and thank God for it! The purpose of life is growth, at least from my experience. New situations will permit growth.

So, when they come, be happy and welcome them for the blessings they are!

Much love,

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thought For Today - 11/17/10

From personal experience, love goes where it is welcome. There are some people I come in contact with that receive the love I give with an open heart, while others don't.

I tell people if they want love to come into their lives, they have to learn to love and even pray.:)

Also, from personal experience, I have never met anyone whose life would not have been different, had they had love at the time and in the way they needed it.

When we learn to love even a fraction as Jesus did, then we will know how to handle every situation that comes into our lives with rest, peace, ease and a care-free spirit!

Yep, I talking from experience again.:)

Much love,

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thought For Today - 11/16/10

The holiday seasons are approaching and people are already in the mood of giving and receiving gifts.

There are many, many times I give words of love and encouragement to others. I tell the classes I teach how much I appreciate them for attending. I tell others I see them as being perfect just as they are.

I even tell individuals "I prayed for them today." This really can be one of the nicest thing one can do for another - pray for them!

How about this? Don't wait until the holiday seasons are here - give someone a gift today! Give them love, encouraging words, give them daily, it's free.:)

Much love,

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thoguht For Today - 11/15/10

Hey, just something I want you all to know. I don't feel guilty about choices I make when it comes to the my life and how I believe God is moving me forward.

I do take into consideration others and I believe that God's choices for my life are for the desires of others - you! They are choices out of love, His love for you and me.

I'm very grateful for you being in my life!

Much love,

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thought For Today - 11/14/10

OK, some days are more challenging than other. But, remember that there is no problem or situation that is too big (or small) for God to take care of! It also dose not matter how important or unimportant it may seen to other. God can take care of it!

From personal experience I have also found that there are no prayers too small (or too big) for God to hear!

God is concern about you. If you are not living the life you are suppose to live, yes, God is concern about it.

If you are not living the life you are suppose to live, then you are not taking your part in bringing good to society, which is in the spirit of God. Again, God is concern. Every need we have should be placed in His hands!

Try this, just ask God what His master plan is for your life. He will reveal it to you. Get quiet, maybe sit down, close your eyes, be with God and listen to His whisper.

Much love,

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thought For Today - 11/13/10

In several of the Yoga classes I teach, the relaxation pose (Savasana) [sah-vahs-anna] to me is one of, if not the most important pose in Yoga.

This is a time for students to become quiet, in a perfect, calm comfortable position where they can find peace that from my stand point only God can give. I have come to realize that this time of rest after a Yoga practice in its stillness and peace, is beneficial to both my mind and body.

This is a time I surrender to God, using a short prayer or Psalm of David to move beyond the busy and possible challenging thoughts that attacked me during that day. I see this pose an opportunity to make it back home, home to my heart, where my life can be renewed.

So, if you are in one of the Yoga classes I teach, take time for Savasana.

Much love,

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thought For Today - 11/12/10

When you begin to spend time (more time for some) with God on a regular basis, better in the morning, then your days become filled with His light from above.

You will begin to notice that darkness, fear and other things that go along with them are removed from your midst. The process can be slow, generally one moment at a time. But, then, you will take note that all darkness, fear, etc. will be gone.

You will begin to experience a deeper peace within. As you experience this peace you will in time want everyone to experience it. At least this is what happen to me.:)

Much love,