Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thought For Today - 9/11/08

A few weeks ago I was having lunch with my oldest son and his family at Central Market in Southlake. As we were sitting outside eating, I begin to notice the birds hanging around the tables. Some people had left their trays of foods on the tables. I also noticed how much food was on the pavement. I saw how the birds were being fed – by us! While I sat there I never did see a bird looking worried about if there would be food to eat. God said He would provide for the birds, and He keeps His Word. He is a good God! Psalm 145:9 says it all – “The Lord is good to all.”

So, what about you? Are you worrying about whether God will take care of you? Unlike the birds, many people spend a great deal of their time worrying instead of receiving from God. Yes, I was one of those people. It had become such a practice that it seemed to be foolish not to worry.

Then, one day I read Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6 that God was even interested in the birds, I knew He must care about me! I then received the eye-opener that we are not to worry.

Down through the years, I have had to put scripture to when a fear or worry would try to come at me. I have to believe God and His Word. He cares for me. It’s not my job to figure how He’s going to take care of me. I just know He will. You know, you have the same Father as I do and He takes pleasure in providing for you too!

The Lord is good to all – including you! Don’t worry.

Much love,

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