Monday, September 8, 2008

Thought For Today - 9/8/08

You have heard down through the years that reality is what we see. However, I have found that reality is also what we think, feel, imagine, and believe. If you think lack, feel lack, imagine that you will never have enough to pay your bills, you then believe it. If that’s not reality, then, I don’t know what is.

When you mentally or verbally wish or speak to withhold wealth from another, you also automatically withhold it from yourself. If you indulge in hate, resentment and criticism, these negative thoughts will setup negative reactions within you.

Wealth and poverty have their origins in your mind. Wealth is not a matter of chance or luck. Ask God to give you Divine ideas that will allow you to find a need for others which in time will enrich and bless you.

This is how wealth and prosperity come into being in your life.

Much love,

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