Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thought For Today - 10/28/08

If you are having vague thoughts and wishes about what you want to do with your life will give you no happiness or success. Few people really know what they really want of life.

However, those who do know exactly what they want, and want it badly enough, always get it. Why? Because they made a decision. Decision has the power - the ability to open the way to opportunity. It draws strong people into your life. These individuals are ones who help and breeds success in whatever it touches. You will find intelligent individuals who not only understand what you are trying to do but will help you do it. These individuals make good instead of making excuses.

You will also discover that these individuals have an attitude of prayer. They also have faith in themselves. They pray 24/7. They pray while their work - making their work a prayer.

Something to think about? I would say so!

Much love,

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