Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thought For Today - 8/5/09

Often in the classes I teach - students fall from certain poses. The most falls comes sometimes from head-stands. But, I have seen students also fall in half-moon and standing forward bend poses. Those students that do fall are generally the ones I know and have taught them how to fall from head-stands if necessary

Lately, I have challenged students to play more within their Yoga practice. I have even gone to the extent that I want students to fall - for the experience. I have also seen student laugh and grin when they fall. Afterward, they take themselves less seriously. I tell them to get up and try again.

On a spiritual note, when you fall or fail in your daily lives, let God pick you up. Don't just stay down - get up. A lesson to learn - you may find yourself falling a lot in your personal life.

Let me encourage you - when you fall - there comes a sense of discovery in your life. Don't hold your breath when you fall. Don't allow your body to lock in place afterward. Keep your heart open to let God help you in all that you do. At best when you are getting up, you just may discover a subtle change that transforms your life.

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