Saturday, August 22, 2009

Thought For Today - 8/22/09

Have you ever had numerous voices competing for your attention? Some days it can be challenging to know which one to listen to, especially when their messages are quite different, sometimes conflicting, and even alluring.

One voice, however, is the speaker of truth. This is the voice of God. He is the One which encourages you, gives you hope, and pushes you to trust and believe in yourself.

We can get mixed messages as we move through life from various aspects of ourselves. Listening to the voice of God is the voice of understanding, support, and self-assurance. His Words will resolve any internal conflict.

If you’re looking toward the future but your faith in your ability to succeed in life is wavering, you will benefit from finding and listening to the voice of God.

You can connect with it by believing and listening carefully. If you have trouble distinguishing the voice of God from others - try this. Listen to what the voices are telling you. You can determine if it is the voice of God, because LOVE will be included in the wording or action.

The voice of God speaks to you with love, understanding, and compassion. His voice will bolster your spirits and urge you to go after your dreams. God never causes confusion, remind you of past mistakes, or cause you to doubt yourself.

The more you listen to and believe in the voice of God who is telling you about your value and your potential, the stronger His voice becomes. Saying no to the voices that are judgmental and make you feel ashamed will help you stop being critical of your failures and afraid of success. God's voice only speaks the truth with LOVE!

Much love,

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