Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thought For Today - 8/25/09

I'm finding that most people I come in contact with are spending most of their time at work, which is living less time for family and friends. Most are so deeply influence and so serious about their careers that it actually identifies them.

Yet, in their jobs which are very important, many are now experiencing some degree of job dissatisfaction. Why because with the downsizing, ratcheting demands, deadline pressures and no job security, many are now wondering whether they should search for other ways to fulfill their days and support themselves and their families.

No matter what your situations are, you may find that your work doesn't quite live up to your expectations, nor your dreams. However, God has a Master Plan for your life. Only in Him will you find the principles and cushion to making a living.

You may say “How can I earn enough money and engage in work I enjoy without sacrificing my peace of mind, health, or spiritual values?”

How can you contribute your unique talents and gifts that God has placed in you to the progress of individuals? You can be in the world but not of it. You can avoid participation in the endless cycle of chasing the dollar.

Make a start today. Find out what God's Master Plan for your life is. In your Master Plan from Him, you will find a more spiritual approach to your work and will actually uncover a new meaning in your life.

I did.:)

Much love,

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