Monday, August 24, 2009

Thought For Today - 8/24/09

I come in contact with people on a weekly basis who sometimes feel like they ought to know more about who they are or how to live. I listen as they talking about making the same mistakes, or for just not "getting it," whatever "it" may be. They wonder how their lives would be now, if only they had “known better.”

My response to them (including myself) is it is important to remember that none of us are born knowing what, where and how to do things - learning lessons is a lifelong journey. We are in a class room.

I believe God made us to observe, learn, and grow. He knows there will be mistakes and misadventures along the way in our lives. He is there to help with a loving His hand. Some day we will become overwhelmed, especially when the challenging lessons keep coming.

Every lesson is intended so you can become more of who you are. And as you grow through this self-discovery, you begin to create your own instruction manual. The "how’s" and "why’s" are yours to discover, and part of the beauty of being alive is that these rules are always changing. Where do we find the instruction manual? It is the Bible, the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit.

It is very important to take note of what you learned from each one thing you experience. When you have successfully passed the test of this particular lesson, you will find you grew and the lesson you just learned prepares you for the next.

That being said, there is never a need to be hard on yourself or think that you should have it all figured out. We always know as much as we’re meant to know at that moment, and growing into our fullness is a process that unfolds in God's timing.

You and your life are beautiful works in progress. Discover yourself and embrace your life’s lessons, and your instruction manual will create itself with the knowledge of God.

Much love,

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