Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Thought For Today - 8/11/09

Ever think you don't have enough love in you? Well, you do! God's love is in you and His love is more than enough for whatever is needed. What we have to do is make a decision to let His love flow.

Everyday I make a fresh and strong commitment to live the life of love. I commit daily to let God's love flow through me in order to heal the wounded hearts I come in contact with.

Everyday I ask God to allow me to love even when things go wrong. I ask God to allow me to talk in love, not to gossip, but to take words of grace instead.

God's love is on the inside of me. Daily, I make the decision that I resolve to remove every obstacle that would keep His love from flowing freely into the lives of those I come in contact with.

Everyday I ask God to cause me to increase, excel and overflow with His love. In simple words, I ask God to have be what this world needs most of all . . . a living and walking example of His love.

Much love,

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