Saturday, August 15, 2009

Thought For Today - 8/15/09

I hear on a weekly if not daily basis from students who want to be Yoga teachers. They want to become teachers because they can’t wait to share their practice.

However, from observing them after they are teachers, the excitement translated into excessive chatter that makes it difficult for their students to relax, much less turn their focus inward. From personal experience, the best way to communicate mindfulness may be to say nothing at all.

Moments of quiet in class are opportunities to learning, not empty spaces to be feared.

This also is carried over in spiritual relationship to God. We can't wait to commune with God and share our thoughts, concerns, requests, etc.

This excitement also translates into excessive chatter which makes it difficult for God to get a word in. From personal experience, the best way to communicate or hear from God is to say nothing at all - just listen.

Much love,

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