Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thought For Today - 8/13/09

Many students ask me to the secret to having a strong Yoga practice. My answer is simple. Be consistent. I suggest them to practice Yoga everyday if possible with a minimum of 2-3 times in a class room setting per week. In consistency lies the practice!

Their Yoga practice will develop into an amazing strong practice which will only come from consistency that the inconsistent Yoga student will never see.

The same goes for your spiritual walk with God. In order to walk in the the Spirit, to operate more fully in the supernatural power of God, you must be consistent in staying on the Word of God day after day after day.

Many Christian don't do that. That's why there are so many "faith failures." They stand on the Word one day and fall off of it the next day. The revelation of Christ lies in His Word, which is TRUTH, which will set us free.

Make a decision today to be consistent. Base your life on what you read and study today from the Word of God. Start fresh with His Word daily. Then stay on the Word all day and end your day with His Word. Then start it over again the next day.

There lies the power in constant consistency.

Much love,

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